Wolf Man Synopsis: This blood-chilling reimagining of the classic Universal monster is directed by Whannell and written by Whannell & Corbett Tuck, Lauren Schuker Blum & Rebecca Angelo (Dumb Money). Wolf Man stars Golden Globe nominee Christopher Abbott (Poor Things, Catch-22, It Comes at Night) as a man whose family is being terrorized by a lethal predator.
Movie times vary. Check The Queen's website for movie times.
Enjoy a movie at The Queen Theatre in Historic Downtown Bryan. This historic theatre opened in 1939 as one of the finest movie houses in Texas. Today, it's been reborn to live up to that standard again. The Queen Theatre is an intimate movie theater with comfortable reclining chairs and a full-service kitchen. Here, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy new Blockbuster hits and classic favorite films throughout the year.
Upcoming Dates
- Friday, January 17
- Saturday, January 18
- Sunday, January 19
- Tuesday, January 21
- Thursday, January 23
- Friday, January 24
- Saturday, January 25
- Sunday, January 26
- Tuesday, January 28